Building a barn this weekend with my wife, her dad, my dad, and maybe some friends. I put the chances of separation and/or divorce but the end of the weekend at about 35%. It's been a tense week.
"That's a fine barn you've built, English, but it 'tis no swimming pool..."
I am standing outside of a Sephora waiting for my wife and daughters to finish making themselves sparkle. I am shopping this evening (grabbing the reaining school stuff we couldn't find or wasn't cheap in Minni), then the rest of my weekend is work and random movie watching.
Caught Collapse and the Prop 8 documentaries last weekend, along with Surrogates (which reminded me of the second Matrix movie in that it introduces a slew of interesting ideas, but doesn't do anything interesting with them - with the exception of one scene where live, oldern weaker Bruce Willis beats the shit out of someone's surrogate and the surrogate's controller laughs and laughs as his face gets disintegrated - really disturbing and well done). This weekend is The Box, The Cove, and The Losers. (I listen to movies as I work, and occasionally watch here and there - the benefit of twin 22" monitors). Inbetween work and movies, it will be spots of happy fun time with kids and wife. So not the most crazy weekend ever, but not horrific by any stretch!
Officially on vacation, as is the wife! Woot! We busted our asses so far this summer, and we needed this break in the worst way.
Had a great dinner, a Guinness, and am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Then, it's off to see The Expendables with my brother-in-law, my dad, and my mother-in-law's boyfriend. Then the range, then beers!
Sunday my best friend and I are just hangin' out and shootin' the shit. Ahhhh, bliss!
I just made plans with my best friend for Saturday to attend Monster Mania in Cherry Hill, NJ. John Carpenter will be there(!), as will Udo Kier (!!), a Pet Sematary reunion (I'm hoping to get a pic with Denise Crosby!), and so on. To support the site, I'm planning on rocking my BDR shirt, so any fellow members heading to the show, look for this fugly mofo:
... and say "Hey!"
God, I just want to sleep this weekend. My friends invited me out for drinks at some point, I'm supposed to meet up with the woman with the DV recovery program at some point, and I might go meet up with Sebastian from CHUD and some of his people to see Piranha 3-D...but I'm not sure exactly when all this shit's supposed to go down.
"Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings
"You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper
I just made plans with my best friend for Saturday to attend Monster Mania in Cherry Hill, NJ. John Carpenter will be there(!), as will Udo Kier (!!), a Pet Sematary reunion (I'm hoping to get a pic with Denise Crosby!), and so on. To support the site, I'm planning on rocking my BDR shirt, so any fellow members heading to the show, look for this fugly mofo:
... and say "Hey!"
OMG AWESOME. If you get a picture with John Carpenter while wearing the shirt, I will die a happy man. For reals! Lesley also says: "You are fucking awesome"
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
Here's the event listing - looks like he'll do a Q&A Saturday night. I'll see if I can get a shot with him prior to that (no promises, as I expect he'll be mobbed by fans, but I'll do my best!).
Also, Chiller Theatre takes place around Halloween up near the Meadowlands. Here's the guest list... and I'll rock the BDR shirt to that too. My goal? To get a pic with muthafuckin' SHAFT.
Not me Grave. Helping my best friend move tomorrow morning, but luckily it's only his garage so it should only take an hour or two. My dad's birthday is tomorrow so Saturday early we are taking a cake by there. Other than that I don't want to do shit. I was supposed to go by my mom's but she's stayed fucked up all week, so I'm avoiding that place. Going to get some cold beers, make tacos, and chill.