Cheers, Matt! Wedge has a no-nonsense approach to piloting I really dig. He doesn't sing and dance about how he'll knock out your power regulator or pick the bogey tailing you off in the nick of time. He just gets in there and does the job.
"The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." -Anonymous
Yeah, I love Rob's so much that I stole it, cropped it to make the dog more prominent, and used THUG LIFE as a usertitle on the training boards.
"Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings
"You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper
Ok. My one non-cat avatar for the year. Haters know where they can go....
Fair play to you, man. I've got really annoyed reading anti-US Soccer sentiment from Americans lately. I could be wrong, but a lot of it just reads to me like they're suggesting that "to like football/soccer is un-American" or something equally ridiculous.
I'd like to think the grousing is only directed at genuine fly by night people who have no real interest in the game, but I have a hard time believing that. It's more than likely also directed at people who have actually just got right into the Cup and behind their team.
Also, V's Grimlock is making me consider an unprecedented Hot Rod return.
"The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." -Anonymous