Good luck with the new cat. Marlowe is a great name. Brings to mind Philip Marlowe.
We got some good news about Patch. When he had his dental surgery, the vet who performed the surgery noticed that he had the symptoms of Bartonella (a.k.a. Cat Scratch Fever) and after I finished the treatment for the surgery, I had to treat him for the Bartonella for another couple of weeks. Well, he had to go back for a blood test last week to see if he still had it. Got the results and he doesn't have any sign of it.
We got some good news about Patch. When he had his dental surgery, the vet who performed the surgery noticed that he had the symptoms of Bartonella (a.k.a. Cat Scratch Fever) and after I finished the treatment for the surgery, I had to treat him for the Bartonella for another couple of weeks. Well, he had to go back for a blood test last week to see if he still had it. Got the results and he doesn't have any sign of it.