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Da da da da, da da da da... PETS!!!

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  • Originally posted by Lisa View Post
    Billy, how's the new girl doing this morning?
    This morning was OK, last night was some trouble. I have a small chair in our closet next to the built in shelves where all our shoes are. Gucci always runs up and jumps in my lap when I sit down to take off my shoes. Well yesterday he went to do that and Ditto got in front of him, between my legs, then proceeded to throw down and start biting at Gucci. Gucci being the most passive thing ever just started to freak and cry. I had to separate the two of them, luckily she didn't hurt Gucci.

    Later in the evening Ditto was laying down in front of the couch between Britt and I. Gucci came walking over from the kitchen, saw Ditto, and went the long way around the table and ottoman to get to me. Ditto ran to the end of the table to cut Gucci off and started growling and barking at Gucci to back off. Obviously this didn't play and I gave Ditto a pop and told her NO (she's knows what NO means, that's for sure).

    This morning she got up with me, asked for some petting, then got some food and water (which is good, because I didn't see her eat/drink at all yesterday. I gave her one of the meatballs we made just so I knew she ate something) and crawled back to her pillow.

    Neither of us are close to throwing in the towel, but we're concerned about how alpha she is. Brittany said yesterday her co-worker (the former owner's son) opened up about ow much of a loner and alpha dog she is. I think if we knew this before we would never have considered it with how passive Gucci is. Brittany said if Ditto ever attacks Gucci and hurts him she will get rid of him without a second guess, but we are hoping it doesn't come to that.


    • I wonder if maybe obedience classes might curb some of that? What do you think?

      The not eating or drinking yesterday could be a sign of stress and adjustment. Glad to hear she might be softening up.

      I do think it was really shitty of the previous owner to not open up to Britt that she's an alpha dog when Gucci is just such a little passive marshmallow guy.
      Last edited by Lisa; 12-07-2010, 07:22 AM.
      2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

      INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


      • Sounds like our cats. Boomer is passive and gives up alot while Chanandler lays down the law. We were hoping that after Chanandler's claws came out that Boomer would realize she has the power. Nope. We are a sad.
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • How long have you had Boomer, Rob?

          Animals can have a weird dynamic, and they're more like "kids" than you'd think. During the six months I lived in CA, Edison got along with my ex's cat, Zin, from the get go. They played together, ate together, slept curled up next to each other. No adjustment issues whatsoever. But theennn... once things started falling apart in our relationship, Edison would start a fight with Zin whenever my ex and I would fight. I hate to admit that Edison was the aggressor, but whenever my ex and I would start screaming at each other, Edison would quietly get up, walk over to Zin and pop him up against the wall. As my best friend put it, "Your dad made my mom cry!"
          Last edited by Lisa; 12-07-2010, 07:27 AM.
          2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

          INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


          • I dunno, like 3 years?
            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


            • Originally posted by Lisa View Post
              I wonder if maybe obedience classes might curb some of that? What do you think?
              Maybe, but she's six years old and I think at that age she might be who she is. Plus we have a lot more expenses to worry about before obedience training can even be considered.


              • Originally posted by BillyG View Post
                Maybe, but she's six years old and I think at that age she might be who she is. Plus we have a lot more expenses to worry about before obedience training can even be considered.
                Do you have any Vietnamese or Korean neighbors?


                • No bullshit, right behind my house is a Korean Catholic church.


                  • Church pot luck night!

                    Just kidding - but I think the obedience classes at Petco are free? Not sure. But you may be right about at six years old, she's just who she is.
                    2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

                    INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


                    • I'll look into those Petco classes. It never hurts, especially if it was free. Brittany brought up classes really briefly then she kind of gave this defeated sigh of "If we had gotten a puppy it wouldn't be so hard..." and I had to laugh.


                      • Uh oh, I might be wrong about them being free. But here's the link - it's worth a phone call anyway.


                        My dad's boxer, Bella (named before "Twilight" ruined the world) was just a crazy knucklehead. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body, but she's strong and she's pure muscle. So when she leaps all the way into the air and wrestles you to the ground while stomping all over you, it doesn't matter that it's just for kisses and that her intent isn't to harm. Anyway, he took her to the Petco classes, and it did help to an extent, she's much gentler now.
                        2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

                        INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


                        • Gonna cost 840 bucks to recarpet our old place. Our deposit was about 550 or so. Could have been worse, but still sucks before Christmas.
                          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                          • Bummer. How soon do you have to pay?
                            Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
                            Now drop the pants and take the bacon!
                            POUTINE AND CELINE DION FOR EVERYONE!!!!


                            • Drag! Sorry to hear that, Rob.
                              2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

                              INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


                              • Fuck. Stitch is at the dentist, Jen called a bit ago, and it's worse than we feared. Stitch has to get some teeth removed, and he's got an abscess. Ergo, it'll run about $2000+, which pretty much puts us back in the hole financially.

                                Still, he'll be home tonight, so no overnight stay for him, which is a relief. Ugh. Now I'm praying harder than ever that I get that job offer from my last jerb so I can pay for all this.

