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  • I'll spoiler tag everything, because I'm still hammering through it and just need a place to lay it all out.

      Spoiler: We all live in a Dystopian Novel.  

    PROMIS was a DOJ project back in the 70s when they wanted to use computers to do cool spy shit. By the 90s, it was a problem they wanted to destroy and DOJ tried to scuttle it.
    Congress looked for who made it disappear, but then came up with nothing.

    Cut to a few years later and FBI Double Agent Robert Hanssen is selling it to the KGB.

    The KGB looking to make some easy cash sells it to Bin Laden, Bin Laden uses it to plan 9/11. Due to the level of detail in plan, Government realizes that it's their missing software that was used to make the attack.

    How do they know this? Well, because Hanssen confessed to it.

    But, here's what is fucked up. The KGB made copies and sold it off to anyone that was willing to pay between 1995-2000.

    One of the earliest masters of PROMIS was Robert Maxwell (father of Ghyslain).

    Robert sold his services everywhere and was on the Israeli government payroll at the time. Ghyslain gets access to it in her business and introduces it to Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein realizes it is a big deal and shows it off to anyone and everyone. He goes around telling people that he's a bounty hunter, a merc, a spy, government official, etc. Jeffrey mouths off too much and they work back who got it to him. Fall of 1991, Robert Maxwell is found floating face down in the Mediterranean.

    Israel used Robert to use PROMIS to keep the Sicilian Mafia and other governments out of Israeli affairs and extort them. It's also why Qaddafi, the Ayatollah and Saddam couldn't get shit past Israel for that stretch of time. It's kinda hard to beat someone who has a device that can predict your every move, find your secrets and plan counter offensives at the drop of a hat.

    While this is going on, crazier shit is happening back in DC. Atty General Edwin Meese has a good government buddy by the name of Dr Earl Brian who wants PROMIS really bad and pays out the ass for it. Faster than you can say DON'T COPY THAT FLOPPY, he's making copies for allies around the West.

    Now, we have multiple copies of 1980s spy software floating around but few people know how to improve upon. Well, not the KGB. They got what it could do very well and they developed a Dancing Bear division to beef it up over the last 15-20 years.

    The modern goals of PROMIS:

    1. Monitor & evade efforts to track them.
    2. Provide access to databases on specific targets
    3. Monitor electronic-banking transactions for easing money-laundering
    4. Early intel on terror attacks for profit

    what does it all mean for now?

    Well, we know Russia has Kompromat on basically every Right winger of influence in the US. They are actively engaging it, but they're also running software that needs more content updates. If you get a guy on the inside to steal more for you. You can beef up PROMIS, make copies and sell it for several million per copy around the world to make the difference that say Embargos and an Out of Control War have wrecked on your economy.

    Basically, using widely available sources and confirmation across several venues....we know the following.

    1) How they did it
    2) What they used to do it
    3) The purpose of it
    4) The history of it.
    5) A measure of its impact.

    Honestly, it's like discovering the secret history of an information nuke. And to anyone wanting to shoot holes in this, feel free to make a master thread of everything I've said since the beginning.

    There are still giant historical gaps I didn't bring up, as I'm still piecing it all together. But, fucking wow. Remember when we all didn't live in a shitty season of Homeland?

    My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

    Click here to visit AndersonVision!


    • First I've heard of that! Wow.
      Originally posted by Martin
      Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
      Originally posted by gravedigger
      Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
      Originally posted by Martin
      And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
      Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


      • How did a case management software becomes a spy software? Before the KGB modified it?


        • Originally posted by Martin View Post
          How did a case management software becomes a spy software? Before the KGB modified it?
          It's not a case management software.
          At least it hasn't been since 1982.

          The case management ability which is how it came to the DOJ's attention in the 70s and 80s was the public face. Where all of a sudden, no named developers sell it for 10 million and then go bankrupt fighting the DOJ over the rights to it in the subsequent decade.

          When it got superpowered is when the 1992 House Sub Cmte figured out they were amplifying it with something called Petrie chips. It was an early SMART (Systems Management Automated Reasoning Tool) AI that could collect and download data after spying on a target and analyzing them.

          When that happened, it took what was an overpowered LegalZoom variant and made it into a mobile platform to discover dirt on any target and move it wireless through the Satellite Internet network without discovery (again, this was late 80s - 1992).
          My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

          Click here to visit AndersonVision!


          • More info:

   {How Petrie chips were used to track Snowden}

            I could drop more, but I figured that's a good reading start.

            Seemingly, the Government has moved on from PROMIS and into PRISM. But, it's yet another tool we made that get reshaped and used against our interests. I had a separate thing about how it's been used in the last 7 years and how it relates to what's happening now. But, I figured baby steps.
            My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

            Click here to visit AndersonVision!


            • Oh fuck me.

              c’mon Troy. PRISM me.


              • Also in the news, a Russian with strong ties to Montreal was at Donny T’s place last year.

                Odd timing, innit?



                • Originally posted by Martin View Post
                  Also in the news, a Russian with strong ties to Montreal was at Donny T’s place last year.

                  Odd timing, innit?

                  It's all coming out. Honestly, I'm counting on Graham having a full-on Jimmy Swaggert breakdown on National TV at any moment. That dude looks like a strong word can break him right now.
                  My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                  Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                  • It feels like we're about a week away from Donald fleeing the country somehow.
                    Originally posted by Martin
                    Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                    Originally posted by gravedigger
                    Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                    Originally posted by Martin
                    And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                    Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                    • Hoping he at least tries. If he does, he'll likely get caught before too long.


                      • Again, until shit happens I'm just gonna sit here assuming nothing will.
                        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                        • Between Tom Barrack's legal shit he just did and Biden's out of the fuck of nowhere speech in Philly coming up on Thursday night. Shit seems weird. Well, weirder than normal anymore.
                          My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                          Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                          • I wonder if the indictment is going to hit on Thursday and Biden is timing his speech to coincide with it.
                            The fact that the DOJ is submitting a 40 page document of evidence is just stunning. Something's gonna hit.
                            Originally posted by Martin
                            Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                            Originally posted by gravedigger
                            Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                            Originally posted by Martin
                            And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                            Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                            • Oh, Texas, why? Just why? Scroll down for the list of speakers and know the true meaning of fear.

                              Bill, get out of the state. For the love of Hocken, get out. NOW.

