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  • I'll make it simple.

    An ACTIVE President can declassify or classify things related to standard operations, limited national security scope and things of that nature.

    A non ACTIVE President can't do any of that at all or steal docs.

    Any version of said President can't interfere, abscond or otherwise damage documents related to the Nuclear Program or High Level National Security. Whatsoever, at all and Trump helped make the rules on that even tighter..
    My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

    Click here to visit AndersonVision!


    • Excellent, thank you.
      Originally posted by Martin
      Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
      Originally posted by gravedigger
      Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
      Originally posted by Martin
      And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
      Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


      • Thx Troy.

        its funny if Trump managed to shoot himself with all that.


          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


          • Apparently the big concern behind the nuke shit is that they grabbed lists of spies on the US payroll as well. it's like Dipshit Treadstone.


            • If that’s the case, motherfucker needs to prison or die.


              • Originally posted by Anderson View Post

                What's telling are the charges under the Espionage Act. It's the same shit that got the Rosenbergs sent to Death Row.
                Won't happen, as they'll opt for jail time for Trump, but the wistful sigh that just came out of me...

                Anywho, I'm waiting for somebody to flat out confirm any or all of this will scupper Trump's plans to announce his run for reelection in '24. Or for the GOP to grow a spine and turn their backs on him.


                • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post

                  Won't happen, as they'll opt for jail time for Trump, but the wistful sigh that just came out of me...

                  Anywho, I'm waiting for somebody to flat out confirm any or all of this will scupper Trump's plans to announce his run for reelection in '24. Or for the GOP to grow a spine and turn their backs on him.
                  I want the fucker to run for reelection, because anything tied to him fails. The GOP wants to be rid of him because he's such a fucking albatross at this point.
                  My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                  Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                  • I'm really, really nervous about him running, Troy. Yeah, he lost last time to Biden, and he DID lose the popular vote when he went up against Clinton, but the fucker still became president in 2016 and look where that got us.

                    I want him gone already. I want his fucking cult to evaporate, I want every GOP fuck that backed him to watch their careers implode as a result, especially the Freedom Caucus. It's just that he keeps dodging obvious, heinous stuff that would've automatically landed anyone else in prison, annihilated a career, and made that person a fucking pariah for all time.


                    • Originally posted by Abraham Smashington View Post
                      This. And what Tim’s saying. I want to believe that this is the nail in the coffin for him, but I’ve already see multiple articles of his followers screaming into the void that this is a witch-hunt and that they “will not stand for it!” They have their noses so far up his ass, they could care less that he’s a treasonous piece of shit. His supporters follow him, not America.
                      Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy


                      • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post
                        I'm really, really nervous about him running, Troy. Yeah, he lost last time to Biden, and he DID lose the popular vote when he went up against Clinton, but the fucker still became president in 2016 and look where that got us.

                        I want him gone already. I want his fucking cult to evaporate, I want every GOP fuck that backed him to watch their careers implode as a result, especially the Freedom Caucus. It's just that he keeps dodging obvious, heinous stuff that would've automatically landed anyone else in prison, annihilated a career, and made that person a fucking pariah for all time.
                        There is a giant voting bloc of the GOP that wants him gone. Karl Rove has directly called him threatening to expose his financials. Him running before the Midterms is a gift wrapped with a bow for anyone on the Left.

                        And let's say if come 2024, he's doing magically well which is unrealistic in and of itself. He's going to have everyone in the GOP targeting him, alongside open charges if not already convicted Seditious Conspiracy and Espionage counts against him.

                        This whole WELL WHAT IF HE GETS AWAY WITH IT talk is insane. Plus, we're not even halfway through all of the shit he's staring down.

                        The Trump of 2016 is not the Trump of Now. He's also not some magical Magus who can fly and shoot fire out of his ass. He's a corrupt wannabe gangster who is collapsing in real time. The infrastructure is broken, the cracks are on display and everyone is sacrificing each other to survive this.

                        My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                        Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                        • I dunno man. You've been saying this same shit since 2016. I want to believe but at some point something has to fucking happen.
                          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                          • Troy just reports this stuff, and he obviously has an inside track on the info, so I always give him the benefit of the doubt.

                            It's just frustrating, though, that Trump continues to fucking skate through all this, when anyone else would've been tried, convicted, and or imprisoned/executed/wished away to the fucking corn field by now. Throw in his psycho fanbase who keep threatening violence if anything happens to their Fearless Leader, and we get nothing but hesitation after hesitation.

                            I'd counter, however, on having the GOP do anything to him, as they constantly prove how fucking wishy-washy they are. They had multiple chances to lay into Trump, especially after January 6 when a lot of Republican Congressfolk were looking at getting pummeled or worse during the riot and Pence almost got killed. When the time came to vote to impeach him and keep him from running again, they wussed out because the thought of them not getting reelected and keeping their cushy gigs in '22 and beyond outweighed them doing the right thing, proving they give exactly zero fucks about their own constituents.

                            Only hope I see is if Trump gets some devastating medical news that keeps him from running or an asteroid hits him while he's playing golf.


                            • I do sound like a whacko with my civil war talk, but realistically, Putin’s winning big time. Pretty sure he didn’t expect his puppet to win, but I guess his goal was internal destabilization, and it worked to perfection.

                              Either the crazies win and rule with democracy going down the shitter, or they rebel.

                              Only a direct threat while the Dems are in power could it consolidate them a bit.

                              Ugh. Like Rob, I’m tired. We’ve been waiting for this since 2016….


                              • I’ll second Tim. He said everything I’ve been thinking, just more eloquently than I could come up with.
                                Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy

