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  • Oh that part I know & am not surprised about, it's the having to see their smug fucking faces part that's killing me.
    "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


    • Welcome back to the world of boring procedural politics.

      Everything gets debated, cmtes form, people whine and a medium amount of things get done.
      My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

      Click here to visit AndersonVision!


      • Biden needs to stop being a bitch and do some shit. There is no "let's talk it over". Whip your big democrat dick around and help us fucking plebs.
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • He's getting aggressive on weird things like energy, the Border wall, amnesty programs and the like.

          But, the real meat and potatoes is being given to Pelosi and Schumer to knock down. Especially Schumer.
          My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

          Click here to visit AndersonVision!


          • whatever. Nothing matters at the moment besides stimulus checks and vaccines. The rest will still be there broooooo.

            Toss the orange shit stain in the slammer while you're at it. Then go nuts on that other shit. I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO COME UP FOR AIR IT HAS BEEN A GODDAMN YEAR.
            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


            • I get why they caved on the witnesses, but still got the written and audio bits on the record.

              Basically, Biden Admin didn't want the Right Wing carrying this shit on for months not appointing anybody and delaying COVID relief. This doesn't mean that Trump won shit, all it means is acknowledging what's at hand.

              It's a Klan trial. You can't get a legit conviction with co-conspirators sitting on the jury willing to give Orange Fucko a pass. So, you hand it off to a competent Atty General and the Federal Court System to run his ass into the ground.

              That way, the Senate collaborators get to look clean to their demented base, Biden doesn't have 2 years of having nothing happen and the crusty old Senate Dems get to look like they did something.

              The optics are inherently weak and shitty to the general public, because they are. This was nothing but a compromise that put off getting what each side wanted by a few weeks.

              And, all of the US Taxpayers got to foot the bill for a bunch of crusty old Senior Boomers who didn't even want to be there in the first place.
              My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

              Click here to visit AndersonVision!


              • Meanwhile, on top of everything else today.
                My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                • So, what are we in store to see? About 2 years of the Right abandoning their duties and leaving federal/state/city level prosecutors open to harassment if not attacks from the Demented Trump base. While you can't convince criminals to vote against themselves, you don't feed the relatively unprotected masses to the wolves because it's politically convenient.
                  My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                  Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                  • I'm just loving seeing the GOP split in two. They'll eventually coalesce together but I don't see them being unified for years, especially when Trump finally gets beaten down by NCY, DC and Georgia and becomes a martyr for his followers.
                    Originally posted by Martin
                    Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                    Originally posted by gravedigger
                    Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                    Originally posted by Martin
                    And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                    Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                    • I'm just praying that something truly fiendish is revealed about Trump during his lawsuits that even his most ardent followers will take a step back from supporting him. Hope it's the piss tape from the Steele Dossier.

                      I wasn't surprised about the impeachment verdict - while I had hopes McConnell would do the right thing for once, fucker reverted to type as I knew he would. Dude's at Cruz/McCarthy level now; just another ass kissing toadie for Trump, and I pray that helps to ruin him in the years ahead.

                      I'm all for the Republican party split, especially since this new faction seems to be more centrist and open to working with the Democrats in getting stuff done for the country. If anything, what with a good amount of Republican voters leaving the party after the January 6th riot, we could be in for some good times ahead. Maybe. I can dream, can't I?


                      • The whole thing is a win in terms of getting long term goals locked down. Including providing any future prosecution with evidence, a roadmap to what happened, leaked calls and more that shows Trump and several of his collaborators are guilty.

                        But, it's an ugly win.
                        My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

                        Click here to visit AndersonVision!


                        • It's great that they're proven to be guilty as sin, but I want some hard repercussions on these fucks already. Jail time. Forced resignations. Public, long lasting, humiliations. Loss of income/wealth.

                          Four + years of these assholes skating is way too fucking long.


                          • And on a side note....the Trump casino in AC is being imploded tomorrow.

                            Good riddance to bad rubbish!
                            Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!


                            • It's pretty sweet that Ted "The Zodiac Killer" Cruz decided to head to Cancun while your state continues to flounder Texans.... /s

                              fucking ridiculous.
                              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                              • Cruz truly is an irredeemable piece of shit. I pray that all Texans rise up as one and collectively kick him in the nuts. Repeatedly.

