Originally posted by BillyG
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Prince of Persia
Saw it while the leasing company decided to do their annual "we fucked up what we installed last year so we're shutting your water off all fucking day LOLOLOL" shindig.
It was alright I guess. Really, it is mostly stuff we've already seen at one point or another, and the plot convolutes much that could have really shined.
Alf Molina was great and could have made for a much more compelling villain/asshole, but Ben Kingsley stews and goes through the usual motions of what his role demands. He could have been sleepwalking for all I know. Sadly, Nasam was just a completely unthreatening character. DAMMIT ALF.
Gyllenanabol was good. Charismatic, dashing, and unapologetically mumbling BRI-ISH from scene to scene. Kind of surprised how well he handled the action hero role.
Gemma. Oh Gemma. You get ECUs of breasts and exposition to tie the room together, and not much else.
Assassassassins were the sandy versions of the Dark Riders from Lord of the Cockrings.
The time traveling device is strangely handled, as there are multiple times where Gyllenroids could have used it to save certain key people, but for the sake of the plot stands around until the Deus Ex flops itself inside of the Machina.
That said, it at least doesn't have a fucking Robot Heaven.
Summary: it's middle-of-the-road swashbuckling in the Arabian desert with nothing too bad and nothing too good going for it (and seeing some of the trailers that were not called Inception really looked to foretell of a shitass summer).Me quick one want slow