I can't wait to see this. Tomorrow afternoon!
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Avengers Assemble!
This latest Spider-Man flick was the shit, folks. Absolutely nailed the character to a "T". Throw in Keaton's Vulture, some snappy dialogue, and Marisa Tomei as a hip and hot Aunt May (!), and this is easily one of the best MCU flicks ever. Again, this is where Disney as it all over WB - their Marvel films are flat out FUN to watch, whereas the DC films, with the notable exception of Wonder Woman, are these grim as fuck cinematic slogs.
Is it wrong for me to want another Spidey flick with Tom Holland than the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War?
Originally posted by Timothy225 View PostAgain, this is where Disney as it all over WB - their Marvel films are flat out FUN to watch, whereas the DC films, with the notable exception of Wonder Woman, are these grim as fuck cinematic slogs.
They fucked up with Tomei's wardrobe though. High waisted pants are no bueno.
Yeah, Homecoming was awesome. Definitely in the top 5 Marvel films easily, and I could listen to an argument to it being second best behind Winter Soldier. Keaton was incredible, and FINALLY they made a villain that actually felt like a threat and wasn't evaporated at the end making it all nice and neat. I was actively rooting for Keaton at some points, he was doing what he did for pretty legit reasons. The homecoming scene itself was so perfect, starting with the arrival at the house. And thankfully there's not that much Stark actually in this, which I was worried about based on the trailers.
One thing I had some mixed feelings about was towards the end of the film...
I was getting a bit concerned about all the tech Spidey had in his Stark supplied suit. The film establishes Pete's a very smart guy and inventive, but to be handed a bunch of high tech options, and even unlocked MORE powerful options in the suit, almost made him an Iron Man Lite. While I did like that Spidey ultimately took down Vulture without the suit and with his own skills, I just don't want the Stark suit to become a crutch going forward - Spidey should be able to whip up a decent outfit and weaponry on his own; in the comics he whipped up different kinds of webbing, spider-tracers, stingers (OK, that was Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider; don't give me shit, Troy!), and even assorted suits for special battles on his own.
Still, I was very intrigued by that Stark Spider-Man Suit 2.0 that showed up towards the end, what with all the shiny and chrome stuff. Kind of want to see what that puppy can do, y'know?
Apparently he DOES have his Spider-Sense, but since he's only had his powers for a short time, he's still developing it.
I also learned Karen = Jennifer Connelly. Who's married to Paul Bettany (aka JARVIS, aka Vision). Who starred with Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code. And Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon.
(drops mic, walks off stage)Last edited by Timothy225; 07-09-2017, 03:30 PM.
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"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson