I can't take Bobby's misgivings at complete face value.... Basically what I'm saying is I feel bad that you didn't enjoy the film as much as others did, but come on son. Come on.
It is a relief the film wasn't futile like Crystal Skull, or just plain awful like Trans3ormers. It's far from either of those things.But just because it wasn't a colossal misstep doesn't mean it's our duty to act like it's a world-beating steak dinner you'll savor forever, when it's really more of a glorified happy meal. I know what this movie is, what is aspires to be, and to me it fell way short of the mark.
Dude, I never said I was taking issue with the movie focusing on the team; I said I thought the story was a poor excuse to hang this film on. It sticks out like a caped, horned-helmeted gentleman in a German square compared to the better Marvel movies for this reason, largely negating whatever charm the team's interaction and banter had. None of it mattered the way it should have because it all felt quite lazy and "routine blockbuster beats" with snappy Whedonspeak drizzled on top. Like I said before, to a guy like me -- a casual fan of these characters compared to many of you, I expect -- this isn't enough to make me care.
I wasn't sitting with my arms folded, pouting the whole way through the film the way some of you might sense. Far from it. I was more curious than anything. "This is it?" I was supposed to be feeling like this was the showdown of showdowns, that this better work! But I wasn't. I was no more engaged with their struggle than I was in the plights of ID4 or what have you; that was the point I made earlier.
Just to clarify, I'm not trying to sound stand-offish or anything regarding my opinions on the film versus Bobberino's, I just don't see them as truly fundamental problems in the movie (save for the lack of a tie-in to the porn parody), especially knowing full well what type of movie it is (FLUFF, delicious fluff), and what its purpose ultimately is (sell the populace on the characters as a united brand, get them to spend money on the new merch and to keep them hooked for the NEXT BIG THING FROM THE STUDIO THAT BROUGHT YOU THE AVENGERS to come down the pike).
It's nice of you to say, man, but I'm not getting irked by anyone, and I didn't feel like I was being cornered. Getting into proper discussions with passionate folks is part of why I come here. Truthfully, I don't see the point in participating in conversations like this if people are just going to toss a GIF in to speak for them and walk away at the first sign of disagreement.
Back on topic, I don't see how some very valid concerns over the legitimacy of the movie's story - any movie's story - can be construed as anything but a fundamental problem. I say that with respect, from one Black Dynamite fan to another. To me, movies are about 2 things first and foremost. What's going on on the surface, and what's going on in the thematic basement. The Avengers might as well have a big "VACANCY" sign hanging up over the marquee as far as I'm concerned, 'cos I'm not sure anybody's home.
And I don't subscribe to the idea that "just because it's supposed to be FUN SUMMER WHOA BIFF BANG KAPOW" movie, that automatically grants it a get-out-of-depth-free card.
I see the logic of why the movie works for you, but I don't care about why it's sound from a business perspective. I would rather have a film that makes a few strong, bold choices (leaving some things by the wayside) rather than one like this, which, I feel, tries to appeal to everyone... the end result of which is a pretty uniform blockbuster with lots of familiar faces and superior dialogue.
Yeah, hate to be the echo chamber but Bobby you're welcome to your feelings on the flick even if they sound like gibberish to me and Spongebob.
I feel equally confounded by your lack of concern with all things narrative, but I'm glad you (and everyone else) seems to be digging it. Sincerely. I'd rather I were joining you all right now. Believe me.
"I'll never join you!!!"
*adjusts grip on precarious platform strut*
"The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." -Anonymous