Now I don't have the "man-love" for MacGyver like Crafto does (mine is reserved for "The Fahey") but apparently there is a MacGyver movie possibly being made. I love the idea of it, but I've tried to watch some of the older episodes and holy shit, they don't hold up at all. But I'm all for this if Richard is back. No "Son of Macgyver" because we all know Mac doesn't have time for the ladies.
Now I don't have the "man-love" for MacGyver like Crafto does (mine is reserved for "The Fahey") but apparently there is a MacGyver movie possibly being made. I love the idea of it, but I've tried to watch some of the older episodes and holy shit, they don't hold up at all. But I'm all for this if Richard is back. No "Son of Macgyver" because we all know Mac doesn't have time for the ladies.