Hey guys it's a TEASER not a fucking TRAILER. Big difference. Also I dig it and I don't give a fuck if you don't. Just putting that out there. I personally want to enjoy all my robot punching money shots IN the theater.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
No way in hell is this a shot at you, Josh, or anyone who liked the Man of Steel trailer. You guys like it, awesome! It's just when I'm told we're getting a new Superman teaser, I wanna see Superman doing SOMETHING super.
Y'know what was a damn good teaser, and I can't find it online anywhere? Teaser for Burton's Batman film from '89. The whole thing was close ups of the Batmobile, though you didn't realize what you were looking at, until they hit the hubcaps and you saw the Bat symbol. Camera pulled back as the music swelled, revealing Keaton as Batman standing next to the Batmobile, then the camera pulled back at lightning speed to black, and you had the release date appear. Ran a chill up and down my spine, it did!
Here's the thing, you already know everything Superman can do, why do you need to see it in the TEASER? Seems silly to me to have to see a money shot in a teaser. That's what the trailer's for imho. And that Spiderman teaser is turrible just saying.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci