I always liked Superman because he was the big Kahuna when it came to superheroes - the one all of 'em looked up to. The guy who had immense power, yet used it to help folks. Of course, being so powerful meant you HAD to have equally badass foes. That being said, Brainiac and a horde of robots should be the big bad for this. General Zod? Sure, why not - could lead to lots of carnage (main reason why I preferred Superman 2 over the first one), but I'd have saved him for the inevitable sequel. If Luthor HAS to be in this, I'd make him a behind-the scenes bad guy, sort of how John Byrne did him in the Man of Steel comics reboot back in the 80's; a guy who Superman knew was fucking with him, but couldn't touch him without concrete proof.
Byrne Luthor is the best Luthor? The Golden Age Luthor was a bad ass. In one of his first appearances he made a secret island filled with dinosaurs and shit and said he was going to conquer the Earth. He made Superman fight dinosaurs. The Silver Age Luthor fucking killed Superman (in Superman #149)! It was technically one of those "Imaginary stories" that don't really count, but it was rad. And the Bronze age version straight up said "fuck it" and built that combat armor that made him super powered.
The modern Luthor is cool, but he figured out Clark was Superman and then said he didn't believe it for some retarded reason. Then died of kryptonite cancer (pussy!) and was resurrected as a red haired guy who banged that protoplasmic Supergirl monster. Not really an exemplary supervillain, in my opinion.
Since the last time we got his origin story on the silver screen was...30+ years ago, they'll just make the argument movie-goers these days are due for a newer interpretation. And since Superman Returns (a movie I personally love) was met with a "Meh!" impression, it's not like people are emotionally attached to Brandon Routh in that role like they are/were with Christopher Reeve or Tobey Maguire as the web-slinger.
So the answer is no.
We'll see. Everyone knows how fickle these audiences are. Superman Returns might not have been a Zero Issue origin story, but it was absolutely a reintroduction to the character designed to work for audiences new and old alike. There's no way a film like that would be designed otherwise now.
Where were you when I made a joke about said boyscout the other day that went down like a great-looking Spider-Man reboot teaser?
"The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." -Anonymous
Re: The origin - Jamie's right. It's been 30 years since Superman's origin got the big screen treatment, and since this flick is to start off a whole new franchise, the origin should be there. Ideally, I'd do the Krypton stuff as a quick montage (maybe like the pages of a comic book - see the first few frames of the Donner Superman flick), get to Clark's Smallville years, and get to Metropolis and the action ASAP.
Re: Luthor - Yes, Randall, the Golden and Silver Age Luthor was badass, but he had his WTF moments, too. The Byrne Luthor would throw guys in armored suits, Bizarro, Metallo, etc. at Superman, and when Superman confronted him about it, he'd just shrug and say either "prove it" or "That robot? Yeah it's a Lexcorp prototype that was STOLEN from our warehouse. Here's the police report, filed last week.", leaving Superman all pissed 'cause he couldn't bust the guy. Plus, most of Metropolis likes Luthor - he gives folks jobs, gives out scholarships, always does public works, helps charities, etc. (yeah, he has ulterior motives and does evil shit behind the scenes while doing all that. Plus he's sexist as fuck - he surrounds himself with women in microskirts and low-cut blouses). In short, he owns most of the city. How's it look when Superman keeps hassling a guy who's Donald Trump with a heart to the average Metropolis dude on the street?
Marv Wolfman said it best "I never believed the original Luthor. Every story would begin with him breaking out of prison, finding some giant robot in an old lab he hid somewhere, and then he'd be defeated. My view was if he could afford all those labs and giant robots he wouldn't need to rob banks. I also thought later that Luthor should not have super powers. Every other villain had super powers. Luthor's power was his mind. He needed to be smarter than Superman. Superman's powers had to be useless against him because they couldn't physically fight each other and Superman was simply not as smart as Luthor."
I will give you the point that Superman fighting dinosaurs on the big screen would be beyond cool. Ten points to Randall-claw!
Dude. You're from Krypton. Another fucking planet. You of ALL living beings know there is more to the universe than Earth, and more to Earth than America. And if the "American Way" is the standard you're setting for yourself, good god the universe is fucked. Granted, I've not cracked open a Superman comic in 20 years, so maybe this was addressed (I did have interest in that one shot of him as a Ruskie) but I always hated this aspect.
Well, if you just look at where it began, what state the country was in at the time, and who he fought in his early years, the slogan might hold onto that same stupid idea that politicians use as some sort of framing device for their latest "I NEED MONEY, FUCK ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF SOCIETY, I GOTTA GET REELECTED IN A YEAR AND 8 MONTHS!" speech, where Amrka is a beacon of hope and the dream of a brighter future can be realized.
It's less about unabashed flag-waving and more about a set of ideals that have since been dragged through the mud.
Superman started as a populist hero and went on to become an alien god.
Last edited by Captain Russ; 08-04-2011, 08:13 AM.
The idea, even from the era Superman began, was short sighted. Was Krypton not a place of enlightenment and peace and love without famine or war? He shouldn't want to represent an "American Way" he should be representing a "better way" even when he was created.