Heh, I suppose they could be, Troy did say it was some sort of dream sequence. They can't wait for the new Star Wars either.
"With all the dick sucking and butt fucking jokes we make, this is the gayest thing ever posted on BDR. Even Howard cringed from behind his laptop playing Gilmore Girls." -BillyG
Cut to Bruce Wayne being upset because the Supes/Zod fight from the first one destroyed the theater he was going to go see the new SW at.
The true reason they go at each other.
"With all the dick sucking and butt fucking jokes we make, this is the gayest thing ever posted on BDR. Even Howard cringed from behind his laptop playing Gilmore Girls." -BillyG
I bet that shotgun is some kind of rad Waynetech thing. Either it shoots electric whatsits or fancy kryptonite buckshot. Ooh! Maybe it's a gun for taking out superman but he's using it instead to help stop Doomsday.
I bet that shotgun is some kind of rad Waynetech thing. Either it shoots electric whatsits or fancy kryptonite buckshot. Ooh! Maybe it's a gun for taking out superman but he's using it instead to help stop Doomsday.
Oh, no doubt. I'm just not a fan of how he looks in that shot with a shotgun. I assume this is Batman under extreme circumstances using some sort of anti-kryptonian gun and not a sign of a gun nut Batman.
"With all the dick sucking and butt fucking jokes we make, this is the gayest thing ever posted on BDR. Even Howard cringed from behind his laptop playing Gilmore Girls." -BillyG
Also, acknowledging that the only reason Batman isn't dead is because Superman doesn't want him so goes a long way in my book. I don't give a fuck what the comics show, Supes could heat vision Bruce from the the heavens or a myriad of other ways to dispatch him ALL from a distance. IE away from kryptonite.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
Not to be dweeby (too late) but Superman is an indestructible god, a mistake made by both Singer and Snyder (as much as I dug their films). There is just no drama in having any non demigod character face him off. They will fucking lose, every time.
Originally posted by Ari
The only thing I want to tell her vagina is nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom
Also, acknowledging that the only reason Batman isn't dead is because Superman doesn't want him so goes a long way in my book. I don't give a fuck what the comics show, Supes could heat vision Bruce from the the heavens or a myriad of other ways to dispatch him ALL from a distance. IE away from kryptonite.
Not to be dweeby (too late) but Superman is an indestructible god, a mistake made by both Singer and Snyder (as much as I dug their films). There is just no drama in having any non demigod character face him off. They will fucking lose, every time.
This. I know WAY too many folks, fans and otherwise, that are convinced Batman could mop up the floor with Superman, because Batman is a smarty-pants ninja action tough guy.
None of which means dick to a guy who could laser blast or freeze someone from a distance, or rip that someone's head off with lightning fast speed before he could open a lead-lined box on that someone's utility belt.