Originally posted by Abraham Smashington
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DMB 2010 Summer Tour Dates
I have a gut feeling that I'm going to end up seeing DMB at Hullabalou. I'm going for 38 Special, Dwight Yoakum and Loretta Lynn.
I'll stay for the response that DMB gets for following them.My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand
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Thanks! I just hope I finally get to see #41 in person. I saw a bunch of rarities and must-see songs at my first show ever but 41 has eluded me. I'd really like to see "Lying in the Hands of God" too.
Skunked on #41 yet again. In fact, the setlist was not that good at all but holy hell did the band play their balls off. So fucking good. I'm still a little hoarse today from all the yelling. And thanks to Warehouse nerds getting in early it was the closest I've ever been to the band. Three people off the rail for most of the show then one person off by last part of the set and the encore. Totally should have made a sign or something equally nerdy. Pics to follow when I'm not totally beat and have time to upload them.
Setlist (and commentary)
Bartender (Really great pennywhistle solo and Dave totally belted this one out)
Stay or Leave
Seven (<3 horn section to death)
Crush (not the best version but they've played with the horn part during Tim's solo again and it's excellent)
Funny the Way It Is
Gravedigger (YEEEESSSSSSSSSS pt. 2)
Sweet Up and Down (Holy old. They stopped playing this 10 years ago because they didn't like it. I don't know what changed other than an awesome horn addition.)
You & Me
Spaceman »
Corn Bread (I love this song.)
Write a Song (Works really well live. One of my favorite b-sides from the Big Whiskey sessions.)
Jimi Thing (Probably the best version I've ever heard. Rashawn and Jeff had a duel that was off the fucking charts. So bad-ass.)
Shake Me Like a Monkey (YEEEESSSSS x3)
Still Water »
Don't Drink the Water (the Still Water intro is so mellow that when Carter and Stefan came in on this it was like getting kicked in the teeth and the chest at the same time.)
Stefan solo » (Star Spangled Banner version)
All Along the Watchtower (Holy shit, I thought they were going to blow the roof off the place.)
Some Devil
#40 (tease) (Guy front and center had a "40" sign and went apeshit when Dave teased this. It was funny.)
Two Step (Oh my God, Carter owns your ass. Oh my God.)
Oh Dave, how I love thee. The set list wasn't SO bad... I just can't get with a bunch of the new stuff. I'm an old song fan. Out of the list, here are the ones that I would have enjoyed:
Big Eyed Fish
Stay or Leave
Funny the Way It Is
Sweet Up and Down
You & Me
Corn Bread
Jimi Thing
Don't Drink the Water
Stefan solo
All Along the Watchtower
#40 (tease)
Two StepIf I were Shé, do you think I'd be operating a taco truck? Shé brings hope. Shé rights the wrongs. Unfortunately, Shé is a myth.