So, I just got back from the Nine Inch Nails show here in the Peg' and holy fuck it was amazing. My brother and I were front row on the floor rocking out. The guitarist kept throwing out half empty water bottles out to the crowd it was awesome. My brother caught one and after standing on the floor for almost three hours at that point the water tasted like excellence.
The opening band Crystal Castles was fucked. They played like five songs and the chick singer was lying on the ground of most of it humping the floor and shit. It was generic shitty electronica. Thumbs Down.
Check out NiN's newest cd The Slip. It's free for download on their website. Echoplex is an amazing song.
Anyone else like NiN?
The opening band Crystal Castles was fucked. They played like five songs and the chick singer was lying on the ground of most of it humping the floor and shit. It was generic shitty electronica. Thumbs Down.
Check out NiN's newest cd The Slip. It's free for download on their website. Echoplex is an amazing song.
Anyone else like NiN?