Originally posted by B_MetalSucks
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Well, it's a two-part problem in terms of why the area still remains bad.
1) They lose almost all of their potential aid to more urban ghettos. Fed and State lawmakers see the larger areas benefitting from the same amount of aid since it gets spread around to more people. The same line of thinking for 40-50 years deprives the same funds from other pockets. Those pockets pop up around the country as these weird time capsules of lands forgotten.
2) The people of the area are predominantly white and impressionable. They are easy pickings for the Right prop machine and they get prodded into depriving themselves of the cash. They view it as a handout and they don't want to take cash from a government that they've been taught for generations to distrust. They're scared of authority and they tend to be a little more aggressive towards it than most.
The UMWA didn't fight for Harlan County because it didn't make economic sense. They could wait out the older miners until they died from black lung. Then, they move the operation out of county or into West Virginia/VA. Pick a new crop of workers or hire scabs. Start back up and pay the new guys less. As long as the UMWA played ball, they kept their jobs with new union members.