A "documentary" by comedian Doug Benson (1 of 3 of the guys from the "Marijuana-logues") in which he sees what the difference (if any) between smoking pot for 30 days and not smoking pot for 30 days. The reason this movie cracked us up is : 1. We both love Doug Benson, 2: It all stems from a joke he made about "Super Size Me" and 3. it rang true to us. He undergoes tests ranging from standard physicals to psychic prowess. We both enjoyed it and if you want to laugh I'd say give it a chance.
Although if you are one of the few, few ,few people who aren't into marijuana or marijuana culture, you may not find it as funny. But we laughed our asses off.
More of a comedy flick than an actual documentary.......
Although if you are one of the few, few ,few people who aren't into marijuana or marijuana culture, you may not find it as funny. But we laughed our asses off.
More of a comedy flick than an actual documentary.......