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Speeches, bitches!

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  • #46
    That link worked! The other link did go to You Tube, but it just said, "This video is blocked in your country."
    2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

    INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


    • #47
      This is reverse internet discrimination. Of course, we bring it on ourselves for being able to enjoy Hulu.
      "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


      • #48
        "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


        • #49
          Damn! Would you believe I can't find a clip of this anywhere?

          Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion! An abortion, Michael! Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another one of you sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael! It was a son Michael! A son! And I had it killed because this must all end! I know now that it's over. I knew it then. There would be no way, Michael... no way you could ever forgive me, not with this Sicilian thing that's been going on for 2,000 years!
          2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

          INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


          • #50
            Originally posted by LisaNY View Post
            Damn! Would you believe I can't find a clip of this anywhere?
            Sadly this is all I could find. Hack job on the editing.
            "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


            • #51
              Originally posted by Martin View Post
              Man, that speech was cool, but go read Gates of Fire for a really great take on Thermopylae. After that, 300 is sheer garbage.
              Already have, my friend! Yep, it beats the shit out of 300, and I hope the rest of you give it a go!

              "I will tell His Majesty what a king is. A king does not abide within his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand at watch upon the wall. A king does not command his men's loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake. That which comprises the harshest burden, a king lifts first and sets down last. A king does not require service of those he leads but provides it to them. He serves them, not they him."


              • #52
                rep rep rep rep


                • #53
                  Originally posted by B_Metal View Post
                  Sadly this is all I could find. Hack job on the editing.
                  2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

                  INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!

