Sabotage. Not bad. Worthington and Ahnold were pretty great in it. Pretty predictable but still entertaining. it's on Netflix for those of you interested. Totally didn't buy the redhead at all though.
Thanks for this, my wife is wanting to see this and I'm not willing to pay for it.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
Troll Hunter. Kind of a tired concept, the "found footage" gag. And most of the monsters looked like muppets. I found it hard to develop a sense of dread watching this. The scene with the dude in the troll proof suit was pretty damned funny, though.
I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.
Yeah, that IS insane. I don't think there was the intention by the filmmakers for it to be full of dread. Plenty of tension, sure, especially the cave scene but not dread.
Weird how when I was a kid, this one was always checked out at Blockbuster. Dawn and Night were usually there, but Day had the coolest poster art of the three and that was how I judged many things back then (and sometimes still do).
I say it's weird, not only for the fact it was never available, but also the fact it is probably my least favorite of the three.
Dawn has some ridiculous shit in it, but it also has balls to shift genres on a whim and it still feels (mostly) natural. The make-up is hilariously bad but it is emblematic of the whole: small problems that are easily forgotten because the film and the actors have oodles of charm.
Night has a great tone and still hits hard at its conclusion. I can forgive some of the less than stellar aspects (Barbara) because it is still a very solid piece of horror entertainment that tried something new.
Day populates a strange zone where the effects made an evolutionary leap (in terms of both being gratuitous as well as quality) while everything else receded. The plodding story is definitely an issue, as there are some neat ideas that just never reached the level they could have (seriously, you have fucking Frankenstein in a military bunker and HE DOESN'T HAVE ZOMBIES FIGHTING ZOMBIES?).
What irks me the most now is the lack of a ridiculously charismatic black lead and the casting of actors who were not right for their roles (the military guys have been the most criticized aspect here, and they are definitely part of the problem).
The biggest issue I had this time around was Miguel and Miguel's actor both being the biggest pussy on a decaying Earth and Sarah trying (and kinda failing) to be an ersatz Ripley while attempting to convince us all Miguel even cared enough about anything other than crying like a little shit to get near her nethers.
Some good things all hamstrung or forgotten about because of this slapdash bullshit. Casting is so important in a scenario like this and George and his wife dropped most of the balls. I want to like it. But it won't fucking let me.
It makes me wonder about the person who always rented that copy way back when. I bet it was a weird Bub fan, and they wore out the moment where their hero ices Rhodes after replaying for the one millionth time.
Last edited by Captain Russ; 11-26-2014, 02:02 PM.
The 1978 remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I remember watching this on TV in like 1980, when I was 9 years old or so. I thought it was cool, but that dog with the bum's face that made banjo music when it walked scared the piss out of me (literally; I was up every half hour that night to drain the vein). I didn't remember a lot of the best stuff, though. That scene at the very beginning, when the plants start drifting into space, the almost completed takeover in the backyard, what happens to a human when the pod's done with it. . . great stuff. I also forgot Nimoy was in this, stretching his cinematic skills by playing someone with no emotions. Seriously, though, he was great as the psychobabble spouting shrink. And that ending scene is still just as cool now, almost 40 years later. What an absolute gem. If it isn't better than the original, it's just as good. A near perfect film. Why anyone felt yet another remake was in order is beyond me.
I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.