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What Emmanuelle Movie Did You Just Watch?

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  • I never said I don't like the guy. To me the subject matter and the way these people discuss stuff in this movie seems very similar.

    I know it's RathBandu's favorite movie.
    "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


    • ...Haven't watched a movie since I started watching Lost...I'm almost done with season 4 which has been the weakest so far...but I'm still totally rapt by the show...this weekend I'm taking a quick break and watching Inglorious and Steven Soderberg's Che...and I might try to catch The Hurt Locker at the Egyptian...
      Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers


      • Adventureland.

        Another over-rated comedy from last summer, and another movie (like Trick 'r Treat) that's tailored - at times, annoyingly so - to appeal to retro sensibilities. That said, I could watch Kristen Stewart wear a Hüsker Dü tee shirt and crank "Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely" all day.

        I swung back and forth on Jesse Eisenberg throughout the movie. He fared much better when angry (punching the rowdy guy, principally) than all shy and clumsy. As much as I'm biased, I actually really liked Stewart's performance. It wasn't fantastic by any means, but I really bought the mix of vulnerability and disaffected anger she brought to the role. For what it was, it worked.

        Martin Starr made the most of a very slight part. His is a face I'm always happy to see and this just cemented why. Although Yo La Tengo's score (as well as the liberal deployment of Replacements tracks) threatened to totally surpass the quality of the film itself, there were enough funny moments and beautifully shot sequences for it to make the grade overall.

        2 Radiant Isla Fishers out of Five.

        "The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." - Anonymous


        • I love Adventureland, unconditionally.


          • I fucking hated Adventureland SO MUCH. If I was Jesse Eisenberg, I would have given Kristen Stewart a cunt punch. That relationship lasted 3 months, tops.

            We watched Extract last night. Meh. Bateman was great like usual and Ben Affleck brought some laughs. the whole Mila Kunis subplot was pointless. The heavy metal kid was fucking hilarious as were alot of the secondary characters. But overall this was pretty fucking weak.
            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


            • Originally posted by Rob View Post
              alot of the secondary characters. But overall this was pretty fucking weak.
              Angry Pothead (Chupa from Blade 2) was the greatest.
              Me quick one want slow


              • We were fucking dying during that part.
                "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                • It Might Get Loud. We loved it. Also, I learned that the roommate plays guitar and likes long hair and thinks I'm funny. Ffffuuuccckkkkk.
                  "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

                  "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper

                  *RATED BEST POSTER OF 2011 - CHIPOTLE FAN FORUMS*~


                  • Show her the Hank Hill face to stop the impending drunken mistake. Or don't and pix.


                    • Hamlet 2. I guess after hearing such immense praise, and waiting forever to finally see it I had built up expectations. It was funny, but I was expecting huge belly laughs, which were not delivered. Rock Me Sexy Jesus was catchier than it was funny, which I see as a bit of a problem. The Shue though, still my 80s heartthrob after all these years.


                      • Sherlock Holmes. A movie totally carried by RDJ's work but not near as bad as I had read. Sure it's a movie you'll watch once and probably not care to watch again but it had a few laughs and I would probably check out a sequel if Moriarty is the villain.
                        "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                        • Watched I Spit on Your Grave with the Joe Bob Briggs commentary. Easily one of the greatest commentaries ever. It actually makes the film better.
                          Blog Time!

                          Reporter: "Is Ringo Starr the best drummer in the world?"
                          John Lennon: "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in The Beatles."

                          Forget it Viet, it's Hockentown. - Russ

                          Lord Hocken's gaze was that of the Green Horned Mindraper.


                          • Ah yes, I spit on your grave. One of the great feel good movies of the year.
                            "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


                            • I fucking hate that movie.
                              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                              • I think that's the point. But I wonder if it would make a great gift to anyone who owns Todd Soldnz's movies?
                                "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.

