Duuuuude. I tried with my wife this weekend. Instead she said she'd rather watch Miami Connection since was 86 mins instead of 3 hours as I was bugging her about it a few weeks ago. SHE CHOSE MIAMI CONNECTION OVER RRR purely based on running time. I had to oblige unfortunately because I love that fucking movie and been itching to watch the new 4k transfer I got from Vinegar Syndrome. She was ready to bail 10 mins in UNTIL Dragon Sound started playing their hit song to which she commented "Why is this so familiar?" I had to remind her that I have the fucking vinyl release of this that I play consistently and it's also on my spotify list so it's like a weekly thing that shows up. Once the guys were in the apartment shirtless and playing a game of grabass over Jim's letter, she was fully on board with how awesomely bad it is.
RRR is going to happen soon. I PROMISE.
RRR is going to happen soon. I PROMISE.