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  • I got about 2/3 of the way through the third RESIDENT EVIL film: EXTINCTION.

    This one is pretty solid, the best of the three so far. The big MURDER BIRDS scene was legitimately outstanding and definitely the highlight of the entire franchise so far.
    Originally posted by Martin
    Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
    Originally posted by gravedigger
    Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
    Originally posted by Martin
    And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
    Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


    • God damn was Dune - Part One boring.
      Originally posted by Ari
      The only thing I want to tell her vagina is nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom


      • I respectfully disagree. I was enthralled for the entire runtime. Love it loved it loved it.
        Originally posted by Martin
        Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
        Originally posted by gravedigger
        Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
        Originally posted by Martin
        And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
        Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


        • I tried.

          Motherfucker did I try.

          Ana loved it.
          Originally posted by Ari
          The only thing I want to tell her vagina is nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom


          • Originally posted by Matt View Post
            I got about 2/3 of the way through the third RESIDENT EVIL film: EXTINCTION.

            This one is pretty solid, the best of the three so far. The big MURDER BIRDS scene was legitimately outstanding and definitely the highlight of the entire franchise so far.
            The only thing good about part 3 is the zombie make up imo. Feels a bunch like Day of the Dead. But goddamn is that movie dumb. Even dumber are the next 3 so strap in.
            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


            • Originally posted by Abraham Smashington View Post
              1. RZ Halloween - Honestly have never seen the whole movie all the way through. So much vitriol was thrown at this and honestly it was mostly unwarranted. The cringy shit was in the first 10 minutes which is a shame because I do enjoy William Forsythe but the dialog was so goddamn try-hard. Once Mikey takes out his family I ended up really liking this. He was completely wrong for this franchise (RZ Friday would have been PERFECT for his type of flicks) but goddamn was Mikey a fucking TANK in this. The sped up remake of the first one in the last hour could rub people the wrong way but not me. Honestly, I really wanted to check out H2 after this but it's against the rules. This one was better than any of the fucking sequels (H3 not withstanding) and I'll definitely watch this again next year.

              2.The Fog - Ties into RZ Halloween thanks to John Carpenter being involved in both AND both movies start out with a quote from an author (even though it's a fictional one in Halloween). Still think this is one of the best ghost stories ever. Pirate ghosts need more love. Adrienne is fun as the radio host, Jamie Lee Curtis is hilarious as the way too young semi prostitute who just glombs on to Tom Atkins, and the ghosts are nice and freaky. Love it.

              3. Night of the Creeps - Ties in to the previous thanks to the badass that is Tom Atkins. I fucking love this movie. From the cheesy opening to the ridiculous director's cut ending, everything about this is just fun and silly without being to cheesy. THRILL ME.

              4. Slither - ties into the previous one thanks to alien slugs that take over humans. Haven't seen this in years and it still mostly holds up. I love that Gunn used a ton of prosthetics on Rooker and only some dodgy CGI keeps it from working 100%. Some great kills, world building, a super fun turn from Nathan Fillion makes this a great alien invasion flick.

              5. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - Ties in to the previous one thanks to the Rook. Been awhile since I've seen this one and this 30th anniversary transfer was pretty great. Still such a grimy and dirty movie. I always loved the look of it. Shit just feels lived in and real. Towles as Otis is perfect casting. That camera scene in the house is still so haunting. While I was watching this I decided to check out the wiki about it and had no idea that it was based on the real life killers and how the real life killers were somehow even worse than the ones in the movie...Case in point? Otis's sister in the movie was actually his 12 year old niece in real life and Henry spent a lot of time just sexually abusing her and the like. Fun stuff!

              6. Night of the Living Dead (90) - Ties into the previous one thanks to Tom Towles. One of my favorite movies of all time. Savini knocked this one outta the park. Tony Todd is great, Patricia Tallman takes a one note character and gives her some drive and an arc, Tommy and Judy Rose are the worst (and should have been played by 12/14 year olds. It would have made more narrative sense), and Tom is the BEST (LAME BRAINS!). Great zombies, a fun ending, and a great remake over all.

              7. The Blob (88) - Ties into the previous one by both being a remake and having Bill Mosely show up. The effects in this are still fucking aces (minus the toy truck at the end), I love they don't pull any punches with characters (even if they're kids), and Kevin Dillion has the best mullet in all of moviedom.

              8. The Mist - Ties into the previous one thanks to Frank Darabont writing both and for Jeffrey DeMunn showing up. The black and white version of this is still so great, Mrs. Carmody is the woooooorst, and that ending is still so silly after the shock wears off.

              9. The Shining - Ties into the previous one thanks to Stephen King. I'm not a fan of this flick for the most part. I find it very boring and nonsensical. I know I'm in the minority. It's like the Exorcist for me. I saw much scarier and extreme movies before I ever saw these two. And since normal people like to say this and that are the scariest movies ever it never had a chance. That being said, I enjoyed the camera work and set dressing a whole bunch more this time. Looked great in 4k. I still prefer Doctor Sleep.

              10 . Silver Bullet - Ties into the previous one again thanks to Stephen King. I loved the short story this was based on as a kid and loved the movie more thanks to Corey Haim and that sweet fucking wheelchair. Fun little werewolf story.

              11. Dawn of the Dead (Cannes cut) - Ties into the previous thanks to James Baffico showing up in both. This was my first time watching the cannes cut and I kind of loved it. Different editing choices, music cues, etcc turned a movie I've memorized into a fun "HEY THAT'S NEW!" game. I know I've seen some of these scenes at some point, but it was great watching it from start to end in 4k. So glad I was able to grab the 4 disc 4k version from the UK.

              12. Shaun of the Dead - Ties in to the previous thanks to Goblin, zombies, and overall general influences/shoutouts. Still Wright's best and tightest flick. Nothing bad to say.

              13. Grindhouse - Ties in to the previous thanks to Edgar Wright's "DON'T" trailer. I will always be bummed that this experiment didn't do better. Seeing GH in the theater was such a fun experience and I can only watch it as a double feature at home as well. PT is one of Rodriguez's most fun flicks. Over the top, silly, and that "missing reel" gag is still the best thing ever. DP is one of Quentin's lesser flicks IF only because that first half is pretty fucking terrible imo. Jungle Julia and her crew are the worst and we spend too much time with them. Russell getting his shit kicked in is the fucking best though.

              14. Scream - Ties into the previous thanks to Rose McGowan showing up in BOTH PT and DP. Still a tight script, great work by Craven, and an ending that still works even after all these years. Just a shame that it kicked off years of shitty teen slashers that were glossy and pretty but had no bite or in most cases, tits.
              15. Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - Ties into the previous thanks to Wes Craven. Still my favorite slasher and favorite entry in the series overall. Part 4 has some better kills but I will always love this one thanks to the fucking ventriloquist kill and the giant freddy penis monster. Dokken still rocks.

              16. Freddy vs. Jason - Ties into the previous cause of Freddy...duh. While this one isn't the best script they could have used, the fact it got made at all is still a huge win for any kid who grew up in the 80s. Still sucks they replaced Kane with Ken because Ken is such a non entity as Jason. Nothing in this movie is worth a damn EXCEPT for anytime Freddy is fighting Jason. The flashback to the 60s with Jason as a kid still rocks, the final battle is all kinds of WWE nonsense, and the ending works in so much that no matter who you like better, they win. I saw this so many fucking times in the theater and the midnight showing of this on opening day rivals the midnight showing of The Phantom Menace for me.

              17. Bride of Chucky - Ties into the previous thanks to Ronny Yu. Probably my favorite Chucky movie overall. Tilly is a fucking smokeshow, Chucky is fun as shit, John Ritter does great in his small role, and they really opened up the franchise while "respecting" what came before. it's just too bad that Seed fucking suckkkkked.

              18. Ouija:Origin of Evil - Ties in to the previous thanks to possessions and a creepy doll with black stitching on its face. I remember blind buying this when it first hit digitial and being completely floored with how wierd it was compared to the milktoast original. Only recently did I realize it was directed by Mike Flanagan and stars most of his crew from his other projects. I just want to know how his pitch went down. "Well I want to make a sequel to your teen horror flick Ouija. What do you think about adding
                Spoiler: spoilers 
              Nazi war criminals
              to your movie about a board game?" Still awesome, shows shades of what he'd bring to Hill House and Doctor Sleep.
              19. Doctor Sleep DC - Ties into the previous one thanks to Mike Flanagan and Henry Thomas. Still one of my favorite contemporary horror flicks in ages which is crazy considering how boring and bland I find The Shining. Rebecca Ferguson is fucking AMAZING as Rose and Ewan brings a ton to the table as Danny. Opening up the world with the different types of powers that people with the Shining has is what hooks me in. It's just so goddamn good. Even at 3 hours long this shit just flies by. I don't have a bad thing to say about it.
              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


              • Originally posted by Matt View Post
                I respectfully disagree. I was enthralled for the entire runtime. Love it loved it loved it.
                my man.

                tonight is Dune night. The game.

                movie: tomorrow!



                • My RESIDENT EVIL update:

                  RE: EXTINCTION (2007)
                  Possibly the best of the franchise that I've seen so far. The film wisely moves the action out of the city and into the desert, turning it into a road trip of sorts. A mix of MAD MAX and zombies, you follow the survivors of the prior film across the hellscape of North America as they fight for survival. Russell Mulcahy directed this, resulting in a much more competently directed and edited film. Many scenes stand out, but there's a scene where the survivors are attacked by a huge flock of murderous birds that is simply incredible to see. On top of all that, the overall story of the franchise progresses in an interesting way, resulting in a pretty wild ending that sets up for an incredible sequel...

                  RE: AFTERLIFE (2010)
                  ...and sure enough, the opening sequence of the film is pretty fantastic. However, once you're done with that part of the film, it kinda turns back into another 'closed set' kind of movie like you got in the first film. The budget is better here so the sets feel more realized but going back to a smaller scale feels like a step back. One thing of note: this would have been incredible to see in 3D. It ends pretty well with a fairly solid cliffhanger ending to take you into the film that follows.

                  RE: RETRIBUTION (2012)
                  And yep, the cliffhanger resolves right away with a fairly well done action sequence. From there, a new twist is thrown into the mix in terms of plotting. I haven't gotten far into the film yet but we're seeing long dead characters from the prior films showing up in new roles. I'm intrigued and I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
                  Originally posted by Martin
                  Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                  Originally posted by gravedigger
                  Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                  Originally posted by Martin
                  And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                  Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                  • New Nightmare

                    I think I only watched half of this once when it first hit VHS and I had no idea what it was going for, and understanding "meta" because I was a dipshit kid. Watching it now, holy fuck. What a great movie. Definitely the scariest Freddy behind the original movie. Love the glove being flesh and bone from the original theatrical poster, instead of the work glove it was in the films. Freddy's look is amazing with the heavy coat on top of the sweater, and more of the muscle and tendon showing, but those leather pants were NOT doing it for me. When he gets the babysitter in the hospital? Probably the most brutal Freddy kill. Not my favorite kill, but way more violent and scary than the "watch me amplify your nightmare" kills in the other movies.

                    I love the whole thing though. Langenkamp, Wes Craven, Bob fucking Shaye, Englund, Saxon all just playing themselves as friends and colleagues. Wes' cocaine chic fucking house in the hills and then the feeling he wants to blackmail Heather into being in the movie but the reveal of his nightmare from the previous night where Freddy told him he won't stop unless Heather joins his movie. Fucking awesome. Love early 90s Englund in those goddamn sunglasses, and painting, and just being cool and charismatic.

                    I went reading a bit more about it after and there's so many real stories weaved into the script too. Obviously Wes writing about his nightmares which started the whole series. The talk show scene was based on a real local morning show appearance Englund and Langenkamp did together. The phone calls being based on a real stalker Langenkamp had. All that shit making it in was really cool as well.

                    Man. I'd love a new NOES, but I don't know how you do it without Englund. I haven't watched the remake yet, and I know it's dogshit but I may watch it next weekend just to know. It's a shame it shit the bed bc Jackie Earle Hayley seems like such a great choice.

                    NOES rankings now that I finished the rewatch: NOES 1, Dream Warriors, New Nightmare, Final Nightmare/NOES 2 (lumping these together because neither is "good" but they're both SO fun and silly), Dream Master, Dream Child. In all honesty Dream Child is the only one I really do not fucking like at all, but the force feeding kill is gnarly as fuck.

                    I remember liked F v J too. So maybe I will do the remake plus FVJ next weekend.
                    Last edited by BillyG; 10-24-2021, 12:57 PM.


                    • I remember seeing New Nightmare in the theater with my dad and thinking it was terrible and not a Freddy movie. Like you, not until I was older did I get what Craven was going for and how great it really is. Langenkamp is the only real weak link. Lady cannot act at all. His look in this is indeed the coolest he's looked except for his demon look in FvJ. I'd say that Dream Master being so low on your list is sad as Freddy's Dead and Part 2 are much worse IMO.

                      The remake is the fucking worst thing ever. Legit still makes me angry thinking about it. They had one chance to make the movie worth a damn
                        Spoiler: spoilers 
                      in regards to if he really was a pedo or not...should have made it that the kids DID lie and he was killed for no reason
                      but nooooo. Plus with the technology advances between the remake and the original, it's fucking SAD that the shot of Freddy coming through the wall in the original is done better than the recreation in the new one. No good deaths or anything fun. Lifeless, dull, and mostly pointless.

                      I'd rather watch the F13 remake any day. At least that movie had the best 10 minute Jason movie in the beginning.
                      "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                      "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                      • Dune

                        Someone should tell Troy and Jamie that they are tasteless fucks.

                        Fuck me it was even better than I expected.


                        • Just watched Dune and loved it. It absolutely took away a good chunk of the romance I had for the '84 Lynch version, and the sheer epic scale of the film just stunned me.


                          • Originally posted by Abraham Smashington View Post
                            I'd say that Dream Master being so low on your list is sad as Freddy's Dead and Part 2 are much worse IMO.
                            Honestly, Dream Master is better but Freddy's Dead and 2 are soooooo fucking ridiculous to the point of being WAY more memorable to me.


                            • Can't fault your logic. Clu getting rocked in the face by a demon bird is still pretty funny.
                              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                              • Originally posted by Abraham Smashington View Post
                                1. RZ Halloween
                                - Honestly have never seen the whole movie all the way through. So much vitriol was thrown at this and honestly it was mostly unwarranted. The cringy shit was in the first 10 minutes which is a shame because I do enjoy William Forsythe but the dialog was so goddamn try-hard. Once Mikey takes out his family I ended up really liking this. He was completely wrong for this franchise (RZ Friday would have been PERFECT for his type of flicks) but goddamn was Mikey a fucking TANK in this. The sped up remake of the first one in the last hour could rub people the wrong way but not me. Honestly, I really wanted to check out H2 after this but it's against the rules. This one was better than any of the fucking sequels (H3 not withstanding) and I'll definitely watch this again next year.

                                2.The Fog
                                - Ties into RZ Halloween thanks to John Carpenter being involved in both AND both movies start out with a quote from an author (even though it's a fictional one in Halloween). Still think this is one of the best ghost stories ever. Pirate ghosts need more love. Adrienne is fun as the radio host, Jamie Lee Curtis is hilarious as the way too young semi prostitute who just glombs on to Tom Atkins, and the ghosts are nice and freaky. Love it.

                                3. Night of the Creeps
                                - Ties in to the previous thanks to the badass that is Tom Atkins. I fucking love this movie. From the cheesy opening to the ridiculous director's cut ending, everything about this is just fun and silly without being to cheesy. THRILL ME.

                                4. Slither
                                - ties into the previous one thanks to alien slugs that take over humans. Haven't seen this in years and it still mostly holds up. I love that Gunn used a ton of prosthetics on Rooker and only some dodgy CGI keeps it from working 100%. Some great kills, world building, a super fun turn from Nathan Fillion makes this a great alien invasion flick.

                                Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
                                - Ties in to the previous one thanks to the Rook. Been awhile since I've seen this one and this 30th anniversary transfer was pretty great. Still such a grimy and dirty movie. I always loved the look of it. Shit just feels lived in and real. Towles as Otis is perfect casting. That camera scene in the house is still so haunting. While I was watching this I decided to check out the wiki about it and had no idea that it was based on the real life killers and how the real life killers were somehow even worse than the ones in the movie...Case in point? Otis's sister in the movie was actually his 12 year old niece in real life and Henry spent a lot of time just sexually abusing her and the like. Fun stuff!

                                6. Night of the Living Dead (90) - Ties into the previous one thanks to Tom Towles. One of my favorite movies of all time. Savini knocked this one outta the park. Tony Todd is great, Patricia Tallman takes a one note character and gives her some drive and an arc, Tommy and Judy Rose are the worst (and should have been played by 12/14 year olds. It would have made more narrative sense), and Tom is the BEST (LAME BRAINS!). Great zombies, a fun ending, and a great remake over all.

                                7. The Blob (88) - Ties into the previous one by both being a remake and having Bill Mosely show up. The effects in this are still fucking aces (minus the toy truck at the end), I love they don't pull any punches with characters (even if they're kids), and Kevin Dillion has the best mullet in all of moviedom.

                                8. The Mist - Ties into the previous one thanks to Frank Darabont writing both and for Jeffrey DeMunn showing up. The black and white version of this is still so great, Mrs. Carmody is the woooooorst, and that ending is still so silly after the shock wears off.

                                9. The Shining - Ties into the previous one thanks to Stephen King. I'm not a fan of this flick for the most part. I find it very boring and nonsensical. I know I'm in the minority. It's like the Exorcist for me. I saw much scarier and extreme movies before I ever saw these two. And since normal people like to say this and that are the scariest movies ever it never had a chance. That being said, I enjoyed the camera work and set dressing a whole bunch more this time. Looked great in 4k. I still prefer Doctor Sleep.

                                10 . Silver Bullet - Ties into the previous one again thanks to Stephen King. I loved the short story this was based on as a kid and loved the movie more thanks to Corey Haim and that sweet fucking wheelchair. Fun little werewolf story.

                                11. Dawn of the Dead (Cannes cut) - Ties into the previous thanks to James Baffico showing up in both. This was my first time watching the cannes cut and I kind of loved it. Different editing choices, music cues, etcc turned a movie I've memorized into a fun "HEY THAT'S NEW!" game. I know I've seen some of these scenes at some point, but it was great watching it from start to end in 4k. So glad I was able to grab the 4 disc 4k version from the UK.

                                12. Shaun of the Dead - Ties in to the previous thanks to Goblin, zombies, and overall general influences/shoutouts. Still Wright's best and tightest flick. Nothing bad to say.

                                13. Grindhouse - Ties in to the previous thanks to Edgar Wright's "DON'T" trailer. I will always be bummed that this experiment didn't do better. Seeing GH in the theater was such a fun experience and I can only watch it as a double feature at home as well. PT is one of Rodriguez's most fun flicks. Over the top, silly, and that "missing reel" gag is still the best thing ever. DP is one of Quentin's lesser flicks IF only because that first half is pretty fucking terrible imo. Jungle Julia and her crew are the worst and we spend too much time with them. Russell getting his shit kicked in is the fucking best though.

                                14. Scream - Ties into the previous thanks to Rose McGowan showing up in BOTH PT and DP. Still a tight script, great work by Craven, and an ending that still works even after all these years. Just a shame that it kicked off years of shitty teen slashers that were glossy and pretty but had no bite or in most cases, tits.
                                15. Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - Ties into the previous thanks to Wes Craven. Still my favorite slasher and favorite entry in the series overall. Part 4 has some better kills but I will always love this one thanks to the fucking ventriloquist kill and the giant freddy penis monster. Dokken still rocks.

                                16. Freddy vs. Jason - Ties into the previous cause of Freddy...duh. While this one isn't the best script they could have used, the fact it got made at all is still a huge win for any kid who grew up in the 80s. Still sucks they replaced Kane with Ken because Ken is such a non entity as Jason. Nothing in this movie is worth a damn EXCEPT for anytime Freddy is fighting Jason. The flashback to the 60s with Jason as a kid still rocks, the final battle is all kinds of WWE nonsense, and the ending works in so much that no matter who you like better, they win. I saw this so many fucking times in the theater and the midnight showing of this on opening day rivals the midnight showing of The Phantom Menace for me.

                                17. Bride of Chucky - Ties into the previous thanks to Ronny Yu. Probably my favorite Chucky movie overall. Tilly is a fucking smokeshow, Chucky is fun as shit, John Ritter does great in his small role, and they really opened up the franchise while "respecting" what came before. it's just too bad that Seed fucking suckkkkked.

                                18. Ouija:Origin of Evil - Ties in to the previous thanks to possessions and a creepy doll with black stitching on its face. I remember blind buying this when it first hit digitial and being completely floored with how wierd it was compared to the milktoast original. Only recently did I realize it was directed by Mike Flanagan and stars most of his crew from his other projects. I just want to know how his pitch went down.
                                19. Doctor Sleep DC - Ties into the previous one thanks to Mike Flanagan and Henry Thomas. Still one of my favorite contemporary horror flicks in ages which is crazy considering how boring and bland I find The Shining. Rebecca Ferguson is fucking AMAZING as Rose and Ewan brings a ton to the table as Danny. Opening up the world with the different types of powers that people with the Shining has is what hooks me in. It's just so goddamn good. Even at 3 hours long this shit just flies by. I don't have a bad thing to say about it.
                                20. Dracula Untold - Ties in to the previous one thanks to vampires (as I consider The Knot to be energy vamps). Seeing as this was supposed to kick off the Dark Universe before they re-decided that The Mummy was going to kick off the Dark Universe, this deserved better. Luke Evans is great as Vlad and you buy why he would turn to the creature in the cave. It's essentially a fucking horror Marvel movie and it's fucking fun as hell. Too bad audiences suck.

                                21. The Monster Squad - Don't care. Will always love this movie. Still the one of my favorite designs of the Creature and The Wolfman ever shot. Still a ton of a fun.

                                22. Blade 2 - ties in to the previous one thanks to vampires again....One of the only GDT movies that I actually enjoy. On paper I should love GDT but most of his flicks just leave me bored and cold. The Bloodpack is hilarious (let's have one dude just carry a giant hammer for some reason..), Greasy Reedus as Scud is fun, Snipes seems to be enjoying himself, and those effects on the Reapers still totally hold up and just show how a talented FX artist can make practical effect so fucking awesome that when another series rips it off whole sale (RESIDENT EVIL) but with no finesse it just looks fucking dumb.

                                23. Texas Chainsaw 2 - Ties in to the previous one thanks to it also being the second movie in a franchise that also happens to be the best entry. That opening with those 2 college dickheads is still fantastic, Stretch is great, Bill Moseley is always a hoot, and Dennis Hopper slumming it is fantastic.

                                24. Poltergeist - Ties into the previous one thanks to Tobe Hooper (*cough* Spielberg). Still crazy that this is a PG flick. JoBeth is smoking hot in those short shorts and nikes, great effects, and a fantastic ending. Still one of my favorite horror movies of all time.

                                "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                                "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson

