Future World. Ceej and I are 99% sure James Franco played a bunch of Fallout, watched Fury Road, wanted to fuck a robot and wanted to buy a bunch of motorbikes and had to find a way to write it off.
The trailer is 100% the only decent in the film and even the trailer was cheesy. Snoop Dogg runs a place called Titty City and wears a ridiculous skeleton hat and Milla Jovovich runs a place that is junkie city and gets people high as fuck and makes them fight in gladiatorial battle.
That all sounds dope in theory, but in practice it was just....boring.
Watch the trailer and you're fine.
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson