It's hard for me to pick a favorite Tarantino flick since I find stuff in each one that clicks with me on one level or another. If forced, though, I'd probably go with Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs as my top two. Kill Bill 1 &2, Inglorious Basterds, Django, Jackie Brown - all of 'em are winners in my book. Tarantino can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned - dude keeps me entertained.
His obsession with feet though... don't get me started.
Also, firmly with Rerb re: the Grindhouse love, though, Anderson forgive me, I should've made the Russ Meyer connection far sooner than I did. Shit, now I want Tarantino to DO a proper Meyer homage. Who're this generation's Kitten Natividad, Erica Gavin and Tura Satana? Get 'em on the phone!
Grindhouse is a goof, and it's SUPPOSED to be a goof. So it works. Django is a goof trying to get you to take it seriously. So were both Kill Bills. And for some reason, that infuriates me. Are they devoid of good stuff, of course not. Carradine killed it. Madsen & Hannah were great, too. The German dentist/bounty hunter (too lazy to look up his name) was awesome. As was Sam Jackson. But the ending of Django was weak, Fox had almost nothing to do, and the over the top blood in all 3 is just ridiculous. These are as far from perfection as RD & PF are near it.
I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.