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What Emmanuelle Movie Did You Just Watch?

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  • The extended scene of Jason sliding down the machete is still pretty sweet. Go Savini.
    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


    • Yes, yes it was. My wife got squirmish everytime she heard kikiki mamama...I had her on edge last night.
      Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers


      • Finally saw The Wrestler last night. Obviously I thought it was good. I expected it going in to the movie, but what's with Aronofsky's hard-on for depressing stories. Perhaps it makes the warmer or funny moments more memorable.


        • Collateral.

          Cruise is awesome and as a villain, he is infinitely more watchable than as his usual good guy roles allow him to be. Too bad the only other time he's gone antagonist was as an effete vampire trying to make Brad Pitt his "Ned Betty bent over the log" and as a one-note character in a showbiz comedy that outwears his welcome in the end. Hopefully there is another "Vincent"-like character he can take to.

          Foxx before he went and played blind then thought he had a music career. I forgot how well he played down-and-out until I revisited this flick. And that moment his crazy switch goes off (when he's facing down a Mexican drug kingpin played by Javier Bardem), he just nails it.

          And the big winner is: LA. The city looks fucking gorgeous through Mann's lens. He largely succeeded in making it as such at certain moments in Heat, but here he really makes the skyline pop.

          Still my favorite recent Mann film (though Miami Vice is great and Public Enemies looks fucking spectacular).
          Me quick one want slow


          • I still haven't seen that flick. I know, I know, I fail. I'm just not a fan of Jamie Foxx. Dude just annoys the shit out of me.

            We checked out Wanted on blu last night. I wanted to play it the whole time. Pretty fucking ridiculous, but alot of fun. Some pretty badass action sequences as well.
            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


            • Yeah, I can't stand the fucker much either, but Foxx gives a pretty good low-key performance. Give it a chance.

              Wanted is a big, dumb action movie with insane amounts of style. I loved it when I saw it in the theater.
              Me quick one want slow


              • Originally posted by McMeatbag View Post

                Cruise is awesome and as a villain, he is infinitely more watchable than as his usual good guy roles allow him to be. Too bad the only other time he's gone antagonist was as an effete vampire trying to make Brad Pitt his "Ned Betty bent over the log" and as a one-note character in a showbiz comedy that outwears his welcome in the end. Hopefully there is another "Vincent"-like character he can take to.

                Foxx before he went and played blind then thought he had a music career. I forgot how well he played down-and-out until I revisited this flick. And that moment his crazy switch goes off (when he's facing down a Mexican drug kingpin played by Javier Bardem), he just nails it.

                And the big winner is: LA. The city looks fucking gorgeous through Mann's lens. He largely succeeded in making it as such at certain moments in Heat, but here he really makes the skyline pop.

                Still my favorite recent Mann film (though Miami Vice is great and Public Enemies looks fucking spectacular).

                My feelings exactly.


                • been up since 9am and watched Jackie Brown on TNT. My favorite Tarantino flick still but watching this on TNT was hilarious. Hearing Sam Jackson refer to Deniro as a "Monkeylover" was hilarious. Good stuff.
                  "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                  "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                  • saw Coraline in 3D......loved it!
                    and yeah, there were a TON of kids. I was surrounded while trying to find my seat!
                    I do plan to see it again...without the 3D.

                    Last night I saw Freaks (1932)
                    I liked it. Mostly the ending. It scared me. But I was also intoxicated.


                    • Freaks is awesome. We still need to see Coraline in 3d. Hopefully next weekend.
                      "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                      "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                      • Busy weekend. I watched Vicky Christina Barcelona, Body of Lies, Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon and Rachel Getting Married. Not sure how I feel about Rachel Getting Married, Frost/Nixon had some good performances and was well done, but nothing special. Benjamin Button was good, but not Fincher's best. I enjoyed Body of Lies but thought it could have been better. Russell Crowe didn't get to do much unfortunately. Vicky Christina Barcelona was probably my favorite of the bunch but I wasn't a fan of the narration. Javier Bardem is the man though.

                        All solid, but flawed movies I thought.
                        "With all the dick sucking and butt fucking jokes we make, this is the gayest thing ever posted on BDR. Even Howard cringed from behind his laptop playing Gilmore Girls." -BillyG


                        • The Who Live at Kilburn 1977. Awesome, sad, uneven, cool.
                          Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
                          Now drop the pants and take the bacon!
                          POUTINE AND CELINE DION FOR EVERYONE!!!!


                          • Watched The Host. Fucking loved it. Awesome creature design, and they wasted no time busting the creature out. This is the film Cloverfield dreamed of being.
                            Blog Time!

                            Reporter: "Is Ringo Starr the best drummer in the world?"
                            John Lennon: "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in The Beatles."

                            Forget it Viet, it's Hockentown. - Russ

                            Lord Hocken's gaze was that of the Green Horned Mindraper.


                            • The Host was awesome, but a tad too long IMO. But you are exactly right on the Cloverfield idea. Still love seeing it drop from the bridge. Great stuff.
                              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                              • Yeah it was a full 2 hours long, but it kept it's pace because of the bizarre ass characters, something we'd never get in an American version (unless the Coen Brothers were directing).
                                Blog Time!

                                Reporter: "Is Ringo Starr the best drummer in the world?"
                                John Lennon: "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in The Beatles."

                                Forget it Viet, it's Hockentown. - Russ

                                Lord Hocken's gaze was that of the Green Horned Mindraper.

