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What Emmanuelle Movie Did You Just Watch?

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  • Originally posted by Nathan View Post
    Alien 3. Still love it. Flaws and all.
    I hope you mean the Assembly Cut and not the theatrical.


    • I've seen the theatrical cut so much that I have a hard time with the alt cut.
      Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
      Now drop the pants and take the bacon!


      • I dig the alt cut alot but have no problem with the normal cut.
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • I still wish we would have gotten William Gibson's Alien 3 flick with the wooden world and monks and shit.
          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


          • Been meaning to read that.
            Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
            Now drop the pants and take the bacon!


            • it's totally weird.
              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


              • Originally posted by Abe Smashington View Post
                I still wish we would have gotten William Gibson's Alien 3 flick with the wooden world and monks and shit.

                Vincent Ward would've directed the hell out of it, but it would've made all of $35 million on a $115 budget.
                My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

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                • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post
                  Saw the first half hour of The Green Hornet last night before my meds kicked in and decided to go to bed (sneezing like crazy all day Sunday). Wasn't too impressed by it, does it get better?
                  No, if anything it got worse for me.
                  "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                  • What I figured, Jersh. It's like two slackers just wake up one day and become fully tricked out crime fighters.

                    I'll watch the 60's series with Bruce Lee instead. Bruce Lee as Kato. Accept no substitutes.


                    • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post
                      What I figured, Jersh. It's like two slackers just wake up one day and become fully tricked out crime fighters.

                      I'll watch the 60's series with Bruce Lee instead. Bruce Lee as Kato. Accept no substitutes.
                      I imagine the pitch meeting probably contained the actual sentence bolded. As it sums up the movie perfectly. Also Cameron Diaz's old lady neck was distracting as hell in it. Never noticed it that badly before. Make up dept. did her no favors.

                      Netfl.....Quickster(ugh) is dropping off The Beaver and The Eagle today. I shall share thoughts later.
                      "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                      • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post
                        THE A-TEAM - Fun, but I'd have to side more with The Losers if it came right down to it. While not a huge A-Team fan growing up, this was a bit of a hard sell. The TV show was more of a vehicle for Mr. T, and Quinton Jackson just didn't nail it for me, as good a job as he did. Same could be said for the rest of the flick - Neeson and crew did a good job, but it just didn't ring true. Story was a bit muddled, and Jessica Biel sort of annoyed me. Would rather have watched The Expendables again.
                        I've heard this opinion bandied about round here quite a bit and I just don't get it. The Expendables, well, I enjoyed it enough in the cinema to buy it. When things aren't getting punched or blown up its plain awful anyway, but when I came to watch it for the third time, I couldn't finish it.

                        And The Losers bored me in the cinema enough that I haven't revisited it. Its not bad, its just bloodless and unexciting. And it doesn't make up for either of those things by being witty.

                        The A-Team is by far the most ridiculous of the three, but it also is the most satisfying for me and 3rd time around with that one was the most fun yet. The principal cast are fine (Jackson is just ok, Copley is robbed of anything to do in the 3rd act, but I've got no complaints with Cooper or Neeson whatsoever) but the supporting cast is pretty great. Biel is sexy as hell and that's all she needs to be. Pike (no idea who the actor is) is a wonderfully smarmy pre-Boss badguy who you can't wait to see offed and Patrick Wilson, man, he chews up more and more scenery as the film goes by. I love his performance here. And, while muddled, at least it is all in service of an actual plot. I think the CG is a tad weak in the shipyard finale, but you know what? Joe Carnahan went out of his way to give us some seriously huge scale action set-pieces here and the Blu of this film sits proudly among my other action films. Its a damned entertaining film and I, for one, am sorry it won't get its sequel.

                        And I totally fail to see why I'm in the minority on this one. I get if people can't get past the silliness or just plain didn't enjoy it. But to rank The Losers above it is idiocy in my book. No offense, Timbo.
                        I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane.


                        • I'd rank A-team and The Losers as almost tied in my book with Expendables behind it. Expendables feels like someone edited crucial parts of the film out of it while the other two are fun action romps. If I had to pick a #1 I guess it would be A-Team but I really like The Losers just as much.
                          "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                          • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post

                            THE A-TEAM - Fun, but I'd have to side more with The Losers if it came right down to it. While not a huge A-Team fan growing up, this was a bit of a hard sell. The TV show was more of a vehicle for Mr. T, and Quinton Jackson just didn't nail it for me, as good a job as he did. Same could be said for the rest of the flick - Neeson and crew did a good job, but it just didn't ring true. Story was a bit muddled, and Jessica Biel sort of annoyed me. Would rather have watched The Expendables again.
                            My man!


                            • Ben, valid points, and a well-reasoned argument, but A-Team just didn't resonate with me like The Losers did, which didn't resonate with me like The Expendables did. Maybe because a flick like the Expendables was a flick I'd been waiting for since the heyday of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Lundgren, etc. The Expendables is a flick that should've been made 20 years ago, but worked for me nonetheless. I will say that all three flicks have tons of silliness in them - these ain't high art flicks, folks. It's almost a staple of the genre that the flicks have to be so over-the-top they become cartoons for adults in their execution. That was the way they were in the 80's, that's the way these flicks are today.

                              The A-Team did have it's heart in the right place, and I did enjoy it, but I think what personally hurts it for me (your milage may differ) was that I watched that flick LAST. I'd already been exposed to Expendables, Losers, Red(!) and so on that by the time I got to A-Team, I was kind of burnt out by the genre. I became more critical of what I was watching (Neeson's performance was great, but I thought he did a much better job in Taken. Plus, that hairdo - geez. Awful).

                              Jackson had to try and channel Mr. T, Hocken bless him. At points, yeah, he could be credible as BA, but after growing up with the original, Jackson's a pale copy. The rest of the team had their moments, but just like the TV show, most folks were watching for Mr. T or George Peppard's Hannibal. It's akin to Shatner's Captain Kirk and Nimoy's Spock in the Star Trek TV show and movies - those roles are so tied to the actors that you damn well need a perfect replacement in order to pull a reboot off, or it won't work.

                              Again, no way in hell does this lessen your viewpoint, Ben. We just approached the flick from different perspectives, and both opinions are valid. S'all good - maybe I'll give A-Team another chance later on.
                              Last edited by Timothy225; 09-19-2011, 01:31 PM.


                              • A-Team wasn't bad, I quite enjoy it, but I loved the characters and interactions of everyone in The Losers infinitely more.

                                EDIT: And Zoe Saldana. Yesssssssssssum.

