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What Emmanuelle Movie Did You Just Watch?

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  • Revisited Leon also known as The Professional (should also be known as Quentin Tarantino's Lolita) yesterday. It's still supremely enjoyable. Glorious sequences. Technical grace-notes. Dialog of the most quotable nature. All of this we know, but one thing I never noticed before was how little Oldman's really in it.

    He's chewin' up the drapes and anything else he can get his chompers on in a big way at the start (and obviously at the end as well), but he goes on the missing list during Mathilda's training sequence with Leon which makes up a good whack of the second act. By the time he resurfaces, I'd already started missing him. It's not a criticism of the film (which I love) and I suppose there's really no need for him to appear again during this "middle" section since he's already fulfilled his requirements for the story at that point - establish self as unsavory sort, prepare for comeuppance. Still, it's unusual even for a villain to take such a long leave of absence during a movie.

    I don't really know about the context of the movie's production so it's entirely possible this is just a case of Besson getting Oldman to pull a Donald Pleasence, securing his services for a week or two, and making the most of that, I suppose. Then again, it might just be a case of a director knowing how much is enough and exercising the "less is more" approach. I'm inclined to suspect the latter, judging by the rest of the film.
    "The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." - Anonymous


    • As good as Oldman is in the film (and he's amazing), he's in it for JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TIME, in my opinion. Any more and he would have overpowered the film, taking away/distracting from the story being told. It's not HIS story, it's Leon's and Mathilda's.

      LOVE that film to death.
      Originally posted by Martin
      Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
      Originally posted by gravedigger
      Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
      Originally posted by Martin
      And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
      Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


      • Yeah, Leon took on the mantle of the film our whole family likes. Me, my sisters, my dad, we all have watched it together at different stages of our growing up since it first came out. Its got the right amount of action, heart, levity and style to satisfy completely and its lean as a motherfucker. As interesting as the director's/European cut is, the US/UK theatrical cut is a much tighter, impressive beast.
        I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane.


        • Hobo With A Shotgun.

          Outstanding. Loved every blood soaked second of it. Totally disgusting in all the right ways.


          • Hobo was so fun.


            • Oldman I think is in about three or four scenes.

              I say this because I tried going as Stansfield for Halloween one year and of course, no one got it.
              "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


              • I watched two things:

                First was Carlos and I enjoyed the first and third parts. Especially the third part where Carlos sells out and just becomes a tool of various terrorist and communist countries. It is difficult to imagine the guy in real life (who was a real pudgy fuck) just banging all these women. But the guy playing him was pretty damn good and hopefully we see more of him in other films. (There was an actor from KONTROLL that I recognized in this).

                My only gripe is that the subtitles are too fucking small and when some scenes are really bright, it becomes very difficult to read.

                Second, was the recent Bill Hicks documentary. Interesting use of various pictures of Bill and his friends used in a kinda sorta animated style. I didn't learn anything new about Hicks but I did go back to wondering what would have happened if he was still alive. Would he have just burned himself out? Or end up like Louis C.K.?
                "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


                • Originally posted by Ed Hocken
                  It is difficult to imagine the guy in real life (who was a real pudgy fuck) just banging all these women.
                  Yes because only skinny people can score ass. Ohhhhh Hocken....
                  "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                  • Well, power is an aphrodisiac after all.

                    But if I'm not mistaken and I probably am. Carlos the Jackal was in effect, the Bin Laden of his day.
                    Last edited by Ed Hocken; 07-13-2011, 09:27 AM.
                    "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


                    • Binny didn't sell out for the nappy dugout.

                      But yes, they're both inhuman piles of shit.

                      Carlos just had a charisma that Binny could only buy with daddy's sawbucks.
                      Me quick one want slow


                      • saw Attackin' Dem Blockz last night. It was so great.
                        "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

                        "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper

                        *RATED BEST POSTER OF 2011 - CHIPOTLE FAN FORUMS*~


                        • FRIDAY!!!!!!!! WOOOOT


                          • Hate Jake Hate. I skipped the screening in Houston because all the screenings I've attended at that theater have been HELL. Wish I had dealt with all the horrible radio giveaway winners and went.


                            • Originally posted by BillyG View Post
                              Hate Jake Hate. I skipped the screening in Houston because all the screenings I've attended at that theater have been HELL. Wish I had dealt with all the horrible radio giveaway winners and went.
                              I was worried at first because there was a huge fat guy in a wheelchair who would not shut the fuck up. But once I realized that he had some sort of mental disorder and that his family was around chillin' him out, it was okay. I have no idea where these people were from, though. They looked like tourists.
                              "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

                              "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper

                              *RATED BEST POSTER OF 2011 - CHIPOTLE FAN FORUMS*~


                              • Harry Knowles?
                                I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane.

